Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

All pupils at Birch Copse have the right to access broad, balanced and challenging learning opportunities and as such all pupils are included in all aspects of school life. At some point during their time at Birch Copse any child could have a special educational need whether it is temporary or more permanent. The term Special Educational Need refers to a wide range of learning, social and emotional or physical difficulties that may have an impact on the child’s learning ability or ability to access the curriculum.

We keep a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) register of children who need support which is ‘additional to and different from’ the majority of pupils in school. Each child on the SEND register has a Success and Achievement Plan (SAP) with personalised targets.

At the heart of the SEN Code of Practice (2014), is the importance of maintaining a person-centred approach to supporting children on the SEND register. This is an ethos which we whole heartedly support and we encourage parents, and their children, to play an active role in personalised target setting and sharing their aspirations when writing and reviewing a SAP. We strive to keep parents as fully informed as possible and aim to work in partnership with our families.

For more information on SEND support in West Berkshire Local Authority, please see the West Berkshire local offer by clicking here.

For more information on SEND support at Birch Copse please click on the 'SEND at Birch Copse' link below and read our Local Offer.

SEND at Birch Copse

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Accessibility Plan

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Birch Copse School SEND Info Report / Local Offer 2023/24

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