We are excited to announce a brand-new initiative we will be launching in March – A Million Minutes in March! Our goal is to bring our entire school community together – children, staff, parents, and governors – to log one million minutes of exercise throughout the month. This video will explain in greater detail.
log your minutes here >Welcome to our website. We hope that you will find it both informative and useful. We are very lucky to have such a great school community. We have children who are kind and caring, staff that are dedicated and hard working, governors who are active in the school and parents who are supportive of their children and the school. Everyone working together enables our children to have a very successful schooling at Birch Copse Primary School. We are very proud to be a large school that maintains a ‘family’ atmosphere. We are a school with a working mission statement; Together we plant the seeds for success.
Please click the link to read a letter from Jane Hardie, our Chair of Governors highlighting the role of the Governing Board, sharing what they have done this year and congratulating the school on their recent Ofsted Inspection.
View Letter >The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) has named Birch Copse Primary School the 22nd school to be accredited for the third time with the NACE Challenge Award. The award is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all.
Our PTA work extremely hard for the school and through the involvement of everyone raise over £14,000 each year, to purchase items for the children that otherwise would not be possible to purchase.
We are proud of our school, we are always pleased to welcome visitors and will be happy to show you round. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.